Missed the launch? Watch the Panel Discussion.

Aug 28, 2023
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On Friday 4 August, we launched the Ad Net Zero framework in Aotearoa to amplify efforts to decarbonise advertising. We were joined by a panel of our colleagues across the advertising industry, as well as the Honorable James Shaw, Minister of Climate Change. 

The panel discussion shared below will highlight: 

·       Opportunities and challenges in decarbonising our industry 

·       Guidance for companies just starting to have discussions about their sustainability efforts 

·       Food for thought on where our efforts as advertisers may be placed to support a transition to a sustainable economy 

If you’d like to be connected with any of the speakers and/or have questions about Ad Net Zero’s efforts, please reach out at adnetzero@commscouncil.nz

action plan

Ad Net Zero's five-point Action Plan provides our industry with a framework for its transition to net zero.