Ad Net Zero Launches Working Groups

Oct 17, 2023
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Ad Net Zero will be kicking off its working groups on Friday 20 October 2023. Working Groups are the principal method for facilitating industry-wide dialogue and broadening our understanding of the collective issues in each of the Action Areas.

The Working Groups will concentrate on identifying and implementing strategies to promote widespread adoption of practices aimed at measuring, managing, and reducing emissions throughout the advertising process. Additionally, they will leverage our industry's influence to promote the normalisation of sustainable behaviours.

Opportunities for collective action could include adoption of policies, development of tools, upskilling talent, leveraging infrastructure, and/or aligning on common measurement methodologies.

The five working groups will focus on:

Action 1: Emissions from Business Operations

Operational Emissions – carbon emissions that ad businesses have direct control over such as energy use, waste creation, and transportation. Inservice-based companies this is frequently made up of energy use in office buildings and travel choices.

In addition to other initiatives set forth by the working group, this group will have oversight on the Industry Carbon Emission inventory (intended for release in 2024) and provide feedback on the development of key benchmarking metrics.

Carbon Measurement & Reduction Learning Group (as required)

Additionally, all Supporters of Ad Net Zero have committed to measuring their carbon emissions within 12 months of joining the program, and setting a science-based net-zero target within 24 months. Ad Net Zero has partnered with Toitū to offerSupporters access to their e-manage measurement platform, as well as training and support to create their first carbon emission inventory. For Supporters who require guidance, we will be offering a Learning Group that will support them throughout the process of creating their first Carbon Emission Inventory.  

Action 2: Emissions from the Production of Ads

Production Emissions – carbon emissions that occur from the development of ads including the creation of video, radio, photography and digital advertisement.

In addition to other initiatives set forth by the working group, this group will identify opportunities for trial of existing screen-production emission calculators on the market to recommend their suitability for adoption across the industry that will ensure high-quality, comparable data exists to factor carbon into ad production decisions.

Action 3: Emissions from Media Planning & Buying

Media Emissions – carbon emissions that occur from the distribution of ads including radio, tv, digital, print and outdoor infrastructure.

In addition to other initiatives set forth by the working group, this group will monitor global progress on a media emission methodology that will ensure high-quality, comparable data exists to factor carbon into media decisions. Should local adaptation be required this group will manage that process.

Action 4: Emission reduction through Awards and from Events

Event Emissions– carbon emissions that occur from putting on events including energy, waste, food choices, attendee travel

This group will focus on working with the providers of significant events to minimise emissions related to the process of planning events. In addition, this group will explore methods by which award shows might accelerate the adoption of sustainability narratives within campaigns, and more sustainably produced campaigns, by influencing evaluation criteria.

Action 5: Behaviour Change

Behaviour Change Ambition -advertising plays an intentional role in normalising sustainable behaviours. Customers are educated and given clear, simple guidance on how to make sustainable choices and avoid detrimental choices.

In addition to other initiatives set forth by the working group, this group will develop a recommendation for updated standards that will ensure advertisers have clear reference points for responsible sustainability claims, including green washing and how to positively influence behaviour.

action plan

Ad Net Zero's five-point Action Plan provides our industry with a framework for its transition to net zero.